Why I created my shop

My story is that I’ve never been a sick person I very rarely got colds, headaches, any aches or pains and also felt like I had good mental health.
At the beginning of 2021 I had been slowly feeling more and more unwell with unbelievable pain.
I eventually went to the doctors and had tests for everything (some tests were very unpleasant).
After all these tests I was diagnosed with a chronic illness and was put on a lot of medication to help with the pain and other symptoms.
Even though I was put on a lot of strong medication I was still getting worse which resulted with me moving back home with my parents then eventually being admitted to hospital.
Once I was released from hospital I was on different medication which did help with some of the symptoms but increasing my existing symptoms of anxiety, depression, insomnia, fatigue and being very emotional.
No matter what I did I couldn’t shake these feelings.
I then thought back to my childhood where I had a good luck crystal (which I now know was citrine), the good luck crystal has long gone and good luck isn’t what I needed so I went to a local crystal shop and looked around.
I got myself a big piece of clear quartz which to this day is very rarely not with me.
I then started to do research into what other crystals could help with my issues. Over time I started to feel like me again.
I would never say ignore prescribed medication as I know these fixed the main issue but I 100% believe that having crystals in my life has supported the medication I was on and helped me find myself again.
Now I want to share this knowledge and help others with crystal healing.